Yang Liu

Postdoc in TMLR Group, HKBU

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I’m a postdoc at Hong Kong Baptist University, supervised by Dr. Lu Zhang and Dr. Bo Han. Before I joined HKBU, I got my PhD from Queen Mary, University of London, supervised by Dr. Anthony C. Constantinou. My research interests mainly cover causal discovery, noisy data and explainable AI. I obtained my master and bachelor degree from the University of Edinburgh and Beihang University respectively. Below are some of the papers I published during my PhD.

selected publications

  1. MLJ
    Greedy structure learning from data that contain systematic missing values
    Yang Liu, and Anthony C Constantinou
    Machine Learning 2022
  2. JMLR
    Improving Bayesian network structure learning in the presence of measurement error
    Journal of Machine Learning Research 2022
  3. ICLR
    Improving the imputation of missing data with Markov Blanket discovery
    Yang Liu, and Anthony C Constantinou
    In The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations 2023